

Let’s play with spirit, wrestle with spirit, flirt with spirit, merge with spirit, embody spirit, express spirit in the world.

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The scriptures are turning into podcasts,the sangha is turning into virtual communities, the Zendo is turning into Zoom.

While the ground of all being, the formless, never changes. Can we hold this paradox?

Hence my new podcast series: ‘Spirituality for Today’. Come and join me as I explore the theory and practices I have developed over the years. First the What, the How, the Why, the I-haven’t-got-a-clue.

Then each month I will interview someone different and explore how spirituality affects their lives.


#14 The Crossing

The Crossing is an extraordinary new event for those who are committed to personal transformation and care about the world. Large scale, magical surroundings, this is a whole experience, designed to help us all make the vital transition from Homo sapiens to Homo Amor. Laura van Lee is our trusted and familiar interviewer to help me flesh it all out… www.thecrossing.be – 25-28 April 2024

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#6 Light and Dark

In this podcast I am in conversation with Dirk Oelibrand, who has been a leading figure in the Benelux spiritual

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